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Missouri Medical Marijuanas Card

Dec 31

Many residents are curious about how to get into medical marijuana dispensaries in St. Louis. It is easy and straightforward to get a medical marijuana card. You can use your card at any dispensary where you want to purchase marijuana once you have obtained it. To obtain a Missouri medical marijuana card Missouri Medical Marijuanas Card you will need to follow these steps:

Figure out if you qualify

You must be a resident of the state and have one or more of the 200 qualifying conditions to qualify as a patient for medical marijuana. Patients below 18 years old are not eligible. However, patients over 65 may be treated but cannot receive prescription drugs such as those that could impair judgment, coordination, etc. It is important that caregivers are responsible adults in good mental health to show compassion towards patients.

Show state residency

You must provide proof of where you live and how long you have been living in Missouri if you want your voter registration to be approved by the state. This can be done using one of the following: an ID card showing your current address; a motor vehicle registration for any vehicles registered under your name at the moment or the last bill dated within sixty days before you submit application materials. If all else fails, then bring some recent utility bills that were sent while you are there. But again, ask before proceeding.

You can qualify for a medical condition

Missouri's Amendment 2 victory was a win for those who want to expand their healthcare options. Although the list contains many liberal conditions that would have restricted access to medical marijuana for conservative residents, they voted it through with overwhelming support from moderates and liberals. These are the qualifying conditions.

  • Glaucoma

  • Cancer

  • Epilepsy

  • Chronic pain

  • Intractable migraines


  • Chronic muscle spasms

  • Hepatitis C

  • Debilitating psychiatric conditions

  • Crohn's disease

  • Neuropathy

  • ALS

  • Huntington's disease

  • Autism

  • Inflammatory bowel disease

  • Alzheimer's

  • Wasting syndrome

  • Cachexia

  • Anemia due to sickle cell disease

  • Any terminal illness

  • Any other chronic or debilitating medical condition.

  • A chronic condition that could lead to dependence

After getting qualified

Once you have been qualified, you will need to undergo a marijuana evaluation. If your family doctor is licensed, they can assist you with an evaluation. You can also search for licensed doctors in your state.

Missouri MMJ patient ID

You will need to fill out the application form after you get a recommendation from a Missouri physician. You must complete the application within 30 days of receiving your recommendation. The state will have thirty days to approve your application after you submit it. You might receive an email asking for corrections. In that case, please respond within ten working days. After approval, you will receive an email with your patient ID which you can print and use.

That's all you need to obtain a Missouri medical marijuana card and use it at a dispensary.